"I like to hang out in office buildings..."

I don't know when this started. I guess, I guess I've always been this way. When I was a kid, I used to touch things, and they'd just fry. Now if I get too close, I might just melt down something... sometimes I don't even want to go outside, but it's so much easier for me to disappear in a crowd. (deep breath)
I like to hang out in office buildings because there's always something going wrong in somebody's desk - anyway, even without my presence... Right now I don't have a job. but,... I do render my services as a human generator, at times. People know that it's hard for me to find a job. They often give me discounts, life time memberships, and just generally, you know. I get, I get a break.
I used to temp. Took them a while to catch up with me. You know, there's all, there are all kinds of problems. I don't jive with this new electronic stuff. Presents a lot of problems for me. Well, for instance, computers freezing, short circuits, lot of problems like that. I...lot of time I just plain old erase the chip and the machine doesn't work anymore. I mean, you can rewrite the chip, and the chip will still work but I'll just erase it again. You know, things happen, like computers crashing, screens freezing. I can erase chips pretty easily, I mean you can re-record. You can rewrite the chip, but that doesn't mean it's going to be protected.
I just had to move location every once in a while. I would put in routine complaints about the noise from the traffic on the street, or that my desk was to small, someone stole my chair, things like that - I tried to keep myself moving to try and avoid the finger - pointed at me. You know like, I'd be standing over someone's shoulder and they'd be clicking and clicking and nothing would happen and - I'd have made their, it was, it was obvious to me, that I had caused the problem. The problem being that I had frozen their computer. It was obvious to me that I had frozen their computer. Let's just say Norton Utilities couldn't have solved this one.
I can tap into pretty much anyone's thoughts. And... I can tell., I can tell you that it's not always very nice, and having this talent(?) is a little bit - frustrating. I mean, let's just say you knew what was going on in my mind and I was thinking "you're a real jerk" or "I don't trust you," or "what kind of loony tune am I dealing with now." You wouldn't wanna talk to me, or help me out. But I try to take it all with a grain of salt. I can read people's minds--and it's not always so great what they are thinking. It kind of like they automatically start looking at me and thinking "what kind of freak is she?" It's like they just look at me and take me apart and... It's like they just stare at me and they have all these comments about whether I'm pretty or whether I'm smart or whether I'm studpid or whether I'm in shape, whether I'm physically fit, uhm, whether I'm taking steroids, or, so you know,...
I try to just live a normal life. I'm not interested in standing out. I'm not interested in fitting in, necessarily, but there are advantages to keeping a low profile. I mean, I'll be working with someone who doesn't know me very well, and they have their suspicions...and its not always easy to just deal with that real time communication, the non-verbal kind, you know like--I can read minds, I know what you're thinking, I know what your plotting. (anxiety) It's not always very easy to stay positive about somethings, especially if you're already helping out, I mean, you're investing your own energy in someone else's problem and then to have to deal with that kind of negativity. I'm positively charged. I'm a very positive thinker.
People need a middle person and, I fit into that role pretty well. I look out for people, you've got a problem and if I can help you with it, I'll do what I can. People look out for me then. It's not easy to find a job around here, uhm. Usually cause more damage than good when I'm in a job situation anyway, and... So I'm quite (loud truck) happy, living here.