EAI Video Project Space
X Initiative
548 West 22nd Street, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10011
July 9 - August 15, 2009
Wednesday - Saturday, 11 am - 6 pm
Opens Thursday, July 9, 2009, 6-9 pm

EAI is pleased to feature the latest iteration of Seth Price's new video, Redistribution, at the EAI Video Project Space at X. Redistribution, begun in 2007 and conceived as a never-finished, constantly updated work, takes up a Guggenheim 'artist's talk' delivered by Price only to pull it apart, reassemble it and graft new material to it, resulting in an open-form hybrid. Equal parts lecture, performance, and essay-film in the caméra-stylo tradition, the work oscillates between fiction and non-fiction, information and entertainment: an exposition as well as an artwork in its own right. Originally made for presentation within the context of Price's art exhibitions, EAI presents the 45-minute video by itself, without Price's artwork around it.