The Bus Stops Here

1990, 27 min, b&w and color, sound

Exploring two sisters' struggle to control the representation of their lives, this experimental narrative asserts that, for women, sexual fulfillment and access to language are always secondary to male privilege. Ana, a writer, articulates her sexual and psychical identity through her novel-in-progress; her sister, a chronic depressive, surrenders her power and retreats into silence. Ana's manuscript, the locus of representation and sexuality, tells the story of her history and desires. Fearing her male lover's disapproval of its content — her fantasies of an affair with a woman — Ana keeps it hidden. When he reads the novel, using it for his own sexual satisfaction, Ana accuses her sister of this betrayal. Zando explores how forced socialization of women by family and the psychiatric establishment silences their independence: "They must vie not only against authority figures, but also against the constraining and limiting role of narrative..."

Written by Jo Anstey, Julie Zando. Director: Julie Zando. With: Jo Anstey, Betsy Buczak, Edmund Cardoni, David McClemont, Paul Rodell, Kathy Shiroki. Music: Louis Lino. Camera: Julie Zando, Larry Little, Elen Spiro, Kevin Fix. CMX Editors: Rick Feist, Marshall Reese.

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