Seth Price



Basta, Sarina. "Seth Price." Flash Art Jan.-Feb. 2005.

Burton, Johanna. "Mystics Rather Than Rationalists." In Open Systems: Rethinking Art c. 1970. London: Tate Publishing, 2005.

Cotter, Holland. "Seth Price." New York Times 26 Nov. 2004.

Firstenberg, Lauri. "Notes on Renewed Appropriationisms." Parkett 67, 2003.

Halter, Ed. "Role Playing Games: An Interview with Seth Price." Sound Collector 8, 2002.

Iles, Crissie. "Seth Price." In Whitney Biennial 2002. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2002.

Price, Seth. Dispersion (2001-2002). Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Art 2003. Ljubljana, Slovenia: International Centre of Graphic Arts, 2003. Rpt. New York: Greene Naftali Gallery, 2003.

Price, Seth. Poems. Paris: Onestar Press, 2004.

Saltz, Jerry. "Painting à la Mode." Village Voice No. 249, 2002.

Schambelan, Elizabeth. "Seth Price." Artforum May 2005.

Smith, Roberta. "The Many Shades of Now." New York Times 27 May 2005.

Speers-Meers, Emily. "Seth Price: Two Way Privacy." Texte Zur Kunst March 2005.

