Skip Sweeney

Skip Sweeney's work evolved from image-processing and synthesis to autobiographical documentaries and portraits in the 1980's. In 1970, he was one of the founders of Video Free America, the San Francisco media art center. Sweeney began working with video in 1968, experimenting with Moog Vidium visual synthesizers to produce improvisational, image-processed works before turning to the personal documentary form.

Sweeney was born in 1946. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Sweeney has collaborated on video effects for stage productions of Allen Ginsberg's Kaddish (for which he received an OBIE award) and Peter Handke's Kaspar, and created the original video design for performance artist Gill Irwin's work Largely New York. He lives in San Francisco.