Squat Theatre

Squat Theatre


Buchmüller, Éva and Anna Koós. Squat Theatre. New York, NY: Artists Space, 1996. Catalog accompanying the exhibition Mr. Dead & Mrs. Free, a history of Squat theatre held at Artists Space, March 30-May 25, 1996.

Copeland, Roger. "Squat Theatre Explodes Convention." New York Times. October 17, 1982.

Galasso, Sabrina and Valentina Valentini, ed. Squat Theatre. Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino Publisher, 1998.

Koós, Anna. Squat Theatre: Staging Life/Living on Stage. Performing Arts Journal. September 2013.

Shank, Theodore. "Squat Theatre." Performing Arts Journal. Fall 1978.