
Around Space: Works by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Sujin Lee, and Jesse Chun

Spectacle Theater
124 S 3rd St
Brooklyn, NY 11249
June 19th, 2022
5 pm and 7:30 pm ET


Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) and Wendy's Subway are pleased to co-present a screening of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's video works at Spectacle Theater, featured alongside works by artists Sujin Lee and Jesse Chun. Grappling with the porosity of language, historicity, geopolitics and more, Cha, Chun, and Lee’s works explore these issues with dexterity and playfulness. Between the subtle and obvious gestures towards Cha in both Chun and Lee’s works, the screening will be an exciting opportunity for audiences to view Cha’s work in community, and in conjunction with artists working in and along her lineage.

This event is part of Wendy's Subway's series The Quick and the Dead, a yearlong, multi-phase project that bridges the life, work, and legacy of a deceased writer to those of contemporary practitioners. In its third year, the program focuses on Korean American artist Cha (1951–1982), and considers her profound interventions in film and video, historiography, language and translation, and autobiographical writing. Cha’s exploration of the porousness between artistic mediums leaves indelible marks on contemporary art, especially film and video.

Purchase tickets here.