In Dubs, Emshwiller introduces computerized video editing (CMX) as a strategy for structuring a "word/image dance," a concrete poem that metaphorically describes male/female relationships through the interconnection of words and images in time and space. In what he terms a "conceptual work, a dance choreographed by camera and CMX," Emshwiller isolates gestures and phrases to imply meaning; deconstructs multiple readings of a dramatic scene between a man and a woman; devises word-image games; and defines space through the precise cutting of sound and visuals. He reorganizes sound and visuals through computerized editing to arrive at a playful study of relationships — spatial/temporal, word/image and male/female.
With: Peter Emshwiller, Carla Jason. Editor: John J. Godfrey. Produced by the TV Lab at WNET/Thirteen.