Palm Trees on the Moon

Palm Trees on the Moon

Bill Viola
1977, 26:06 min, color, sound


In Palm Trees on the Moon, the second of two tapes made in the Solomon Islands, Viola presents a stream-of-consciousness flow of sound and image as a metaphor for the paradoxes of a culture embedded in tradition and confronting Western influence. Illustrating the cultural transitions are Fred Kona of Vilu village, who has planted palm trees commemorating the three Apollo astronauts who first traveled to the moon, and an inter-island festival, where ceremonial dances are now presented as entertainment. Viola writes: "The structure of the program creates a viewing experience similar to my experience of being there — longer sequences of traditional dance continuously interrupted by cross-cultural images going by too fast, out of sync with the rest — probably a bit confusing for the viewer but a daily reality for the people of the Solomons."

Recorded/Edited: Bill Viola. Post Production Engineers: John J. Godfrey, Tom T. Klemesrud. Editor: Tom T. Klemesrud. Produced in association with the International Television Workshop, New York.

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

SCREENING REQUIREMENTS for museum or gallery presentation:

The video should be presented as cinema. Projection in a dedicated, darkened gallery is strongly preferred. Accompanying floor plans and technical specifications regarding projection equipment is appreciated. Videos must be shown in original 4:3 aspect ratio, either using projector settings, as available, or pillarboxed with black masking.

Seating must be provided for the audience, and works must be shown according to a published schedule, not presented as an automatically repeating loop. Works cannot be incorporated into looping programs with other titles. Audio must be handled through a separate stereo sound system (amplifier and two speakers).

Please contact the EAI office ( for further information regarding monitor displays. Presentation on monitor may be permitted in certain instances, but the use of headphones or sound through built-in speakers is not permitted.