Anthony Ramos

Anthony Ramos


Pioneering performance and media artist Anthony Ramos was among the earliest video artists to use the medium as a tool for a critique of the mass media, and for giving agency to marginalized communities and individuals. In his powerful but rarely seen video works of the 1970s, Ramos sought to combine art and activism, the political and the conceptual. His video works and performances often reference his time in prison for draft resistance during the Vietnam War.

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1972, 11:18 min, b&w, sound
1972, 21:16 min, b&w, sound
1972, 32:44 min, b&w, sound
1973, 8:45 min, b&w, sound
1973-75, 12:58 min, color, sound, Two Channels
1973-75, 12:58 min, color, sound, Two Channels
1974, 12:34 min, b&w, sound
1974, 29:50 min, b&w, sound
1977, 25 min, color, sound
1977/2013, 70 min, color and b&w, sound
1978, 24 min, color, sound
1989, 35:23 min, color, sound