Sex, Love, & Kung Fu

Sex, Love, & Kung Fu

Kip Fulbeck
2000, 7 min, color, sound


Fulbeck explores the Hapa and Asian American male experience, parodying the relationships between love, sex, and martial arts movies. Fulbeck writes: "Join two crazed kung fu film fanatics as they argue over Asian American masculinity (yes!), Asian American media representation (no!), the homoerotic subtexts of martial arts movies (what?), and the ultimate question — what channel to watch. Hilarious and fast-paced, Sex, Love and Kung Fu entertains as it explores the mysteries of David Carradine, Brandon Lee, and the size of Dolph Lundgren's penis."

Producer/Director/Editor: Kip Fulbeck. Sound Design: Kevin Kelly. Digital Effects: Dan Lin.