Ontic Antics Starring Laurel and Hardy: Bye, Molly

2005, 90 min, b&w and color, sound

WARNING: This work contains throbbing light. Should not be viewed by individuals with epilepsy or seizure disorders.

"Hardy walked a thin line between playing heavy and playing fatty. Laurel adopted a retarded squint, with suggestions of idiot savant. Their characters were at sea, clinging to each other as industrial capitalism was breaking up and sinking. Beautiful losers, they kept it funny, buoying our spirits. Laurel and Hardy... forever.

Laurel and Hardy, 1929, enter into a further phase of enchantment in this cine-pyrotechnic Freudian send-up, its coda in a unique 3-D."


This work has specific instructions for presentation. Contact EAI for further details. WARNING: This work contains throbbing light. Should not be viewed by individuals with epilepsy or seizure disorders.