Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik


Press Release
Dec 31, 1969
Press release for the day-long screening hosted at EAI in tribute to Nam June Paik.
Articles and Essays
John S. Margolies Art in America 57.5 (September-October 1969): 48-55.
In this comprehensive article, John Margolies charts the early evolution of the televised image within artistic practice.
Articles and Essays
Village Voice
Stephanie Harrington The Village Voice (May 29, 1969): 29.
Fascinated with the Moorman-Paik TV Bra collaboration yet overwhelmed by the technological gadgetry of the exhibition as a whole, Harrington concludes that "TV as a Creative Medium" is a mere "collection of technical details waiting for a unifying aesthetic genius."
Jud Yalkut 1969
Excerpted from the manuscript Electronic Zen: The Alternate Video Generation.(unpublished manuscript) In this free-form interview, Paik not only speaks about the convergence of art and Eastern philosophy in electronic art, but he also considers the social and cybernetic implications of technology.
Screening Lists and Schedules
May 2-31, 1973

Second Annual Video Arts Festival: Schedule (May 2-31, 1973)
This one-page document is the schedule for the 2nd Annual Video Art Festival at the Kitchen, which ran from May 2-31, 1973.

Printable Catalogues
Works by Ursula Hodel, Joan Jonas,Tom Kalin, George Kuchar, Chris Marker, Alix Pearlstein, Julie Zando, and others.
Printable Catalogues
Works by Vito Acconci, Peggy Ahwesh, Cory Arcangel, Cheryl Donegan, Ken Jacobs, Kristin Lucas, Tony Oursler, Alix Pearlstein, Radical Software Group (RSG), Pipilotti Rist, Michael Snow, Stan VanDerBeek, and others.
Program Notes
June 1-14, 1974
2nd International Computer Art Festival: Official Program (1974)
June 1-14, 1974, The Kitchen

This is the official program for the second International Computer Art Festival, held at The Kitchen. The 11-page document features a color cover, several diagrams, and descriptions of works by the 60 participating artists.

Articles and Essays
Jud Yalkut Arts Magazine 44.1 (September-October 1969) 18+
A key figure in the documentation of early video history, Yalkut peppers his review with quotes from participating artists and describes many of the pieces included in Wise's exhibition.
Press Release
Press Release for EAI's screening room at the New York Art Bookfair in October 2009.
Program Notes
Dec 31, 1969
Program notes for panel and presentation on EAI's online projects, part of The Kitchen's Digital Happy Hour series.
Program Notes
Program Notes for Interactions, an exhibition presented by NY Center for Media Arts and EAI in October 2002.
Calendars and Newsletters
June 1972
Kitchen Calendar June 1972

One of twenty calendars that outline the Kitchen's programs and events.

Calendars and Newsletters
October 1972
Kitchen Calendar October 1972

One of twenty calendars that outline the Kitchen's programs and events.

Program Notes
Program notes for "Lights in Motion: Rare Film & Video Materials from the Howard Wise Gallery" screening at EAI, August 17, 2011.
Screening Lists and Schedules
July 14, 1971 - July 26, 1972)
Log of Wednesday Evening Open Video Screenings at The Kitchen (July 14, 1971- July 26, 1972)

This document contains a list of the artists and works included in the Wednesday Evening Screenings at The Kitchen from July 14, 1971 to July 26, 1972.

Press Clippings
Ian White
Article on MAGNETIC MEMORY event in August 2006 issue of Wire magazine.
Program Notes
Dec 31, 1969
Program notes for screening in October 1997.
Articles and Essays
Mary Breasted Dec 31, 1969
Mary Breasted, "Ms. Moorman's Water Music."
SR (December 2, 1972):19-20

The author of this article is unimpressed by the 9th Annual Avant Garde Festival and describes in some detail Nam June Paik's TV Bed and Shigeko Kubota's Video Birthday Party (60th) for John Cage.

Screening Lists and Schedules
Dec 31, 1969
Screening list for one-day exhibition of video works presented by EAI in September 2001.
Calendars and Newsletters
Kitchen Calendar November 1973

Calendar that outlines The Kitchen's program and events, November 1973.

Press Release
Press Release for EAI's screening room at the New York Art Bookfair in October 2008.
Program Notes
Program Notes for a presentation of Recent and Historical Artists' Videotapes from the EAI Collection in Spring 2001.
Articles and Essays
Schedule for the Open Circuits conference at MOMA, 1974
Press Release
Press release for SHORT SHORTS EAI's summer screening in August 2010.
Articles and Essays
Art in America
Peter Frank November/December 1974
Peter Frank, "The Avant Garde Festival: And Now, Shea Stadium."
Art in America (November/December 1974): 102-106

This extensive article, published in Art in America, covers the history of the Annual Avant Garde Festival up to its eleventh year.

Press Release
Dec 31, 1969
Press release for screening focusing on artist/muse collaborations presented by EAI in February 2004.
Howard Wise May 17 - June 14, 1969
Articles and Essays
Richard Skidmore 1969
Detailing the work of Paik, Seery, and Tadlock, Skidmore suggests that television, as the "new art form," might lead to the revitalization of cable programming.
Program Notes
John G. Hanhardt, Matthew Yokobosky
Program from the exhibition. Features an introductory essay by John Hanhardt, a biography of Howard Wise, a listing of each work exhibited, a bibliography, text from the 1969 TV as a Creative Medium program, and numerous photographs from the 1969 exhibition.
Printable Catalogues
Newly released early audio CDs by Vito Acconci and video works by Phyllis Baldino, Peter Campus, Kristin Lucas, Nam June Paik, Eder Santos, Steina, Leslie Thornton, and others.
Program Notes
Plan of the 9th Annual Avant Garde Festival

This document shows where the participating artists will perform or exhibit during the 9th Annual Avant Garde Festival; a program is also included.

Printable Catalogues
Works by Eleanor Antin, Seoungho Cho, Dan Graham, Shigeko Kubota, Paul McCarthy, Bruce Nauman, Tony Oursler, Martha Rosler, and others.
Screening Lists and Schedules
Dec 31, 1969
Screening list for retrospective of early video works from the EAI Archives presented by MoMA in February 2002.
Press Release
Press Release for Screen Play: Moving Image Art at the Sagamore Hotel, December, 2014
Press Release
"Edited at EAI": Artist to Artist, June 16, 2016, Press Release
Program Notes
"Edited at EAI": Artist to Artist, Program Notes
Press Release
Charlotte Moorman: Rarely Seen Television and Video Performances, Thursday, October 20, 2016.
January 1, 1984
Invitation to Nam June Paik's "Good Morning Mr.Orwell" broadcast at WNET/THIRTEEN on January 1, 1984.
Articles and Essays
Jonas Mekas
"On Liberation, Arts and Cultural Imperialism: A Conversation between Susan Sontag, Vytautas Landsbergis, Nam June Paik, and Jonas Mekas" edited by Jonas Mekas, draft with edits.
Notes and Descriptions
Nam June Paik August 10, 1984
Open call letter for essay for Nam June Paik's "Good Morning Mr. Orwell" written by Nam June Paik on August 10, 1984, printed with handwritten notes.
Press Release
April - May, 1982
Press release for "Nam June Paik: Retrospective at Whitney Museum" from April 30 to June 27, 1982 and "Nam June Paik and Charlotte Moorman to Perform at Whitney Museum" on June 2, 3, 1982.
Program Notes
Ann-Sargent Wooster November 1980
Program notes for "Video Art Review: Nam June Paik" presented by Anthology Film Archives in collaboration with EAI in November 1980.
Press Release
November 29, 1983
Press release for Nam June Paik's "Good Morning, Mr. Orwell" presented by WNET/THIRTEEN to air nationally over PBS on January 1, 1984
Articles and Essays
Bruce Kurtz 1982
"The Zen Master of Video" written by Bruce Kurtz published on Portfolio, May/June 1982, pp, 100-103.
Brochure for "Nam June Paik: The Grand Dada of Video, The Howard Wise Gallery/Electronic Arts Intermix, 1967-1982."
Postcard Front
November 2, 1975
Postcard for Nam June Paik's "Camera Three" broadcast by CBSTV on November 2, 1975.
December 13, 1979; March 2, 1980
Poster for "Guadalcanal Requiem" presented by WNET TV Lab, Channel THIRTEEN on December 13, 1979 and March 2, 1980.
November 11, 1980
Copy of hand written letter from Nam June Paik to Howard Wise, November 11, 1980.