Incendiary Cinema

2005, 1:25 min, color, sound

WARNING: This work contains throbbing light. Should not be viewed by individuals with epilepsy or seizure disorders.

This piece was created as a trailer for the 2005 Viennale Film Festival in Austria.

"The image on the screen flickers unsteadily; the rhythm is unsettling: black/white, black/white, white/black. The film cuts abruptly to a playground. Color appears, sound sets in. Children crawl in the sand, adults watch over them, sitting on benches. It turns abstract. At the end a circle appears on the screen, again flickering strongly, like a beating heart. This is Incendiary Cinema. There is no such thing as a nice succession of images; the film is supposed to distress and disturb, and it also aims to create receptivity for images and viewing. It is a small, quite salutary shot before the main film." — Vienna International Film Festival

Video: Ken Jacobs, Line Editing: Nisi Jacobs.

Ordering & Fees

Educational Rental
Screening Rental
Digital File
Exhibition Rental
Digital File
Educational Purchase