A Kinetic History: The EAI Archives Online

Articles, Reviews & Interviews

This page includes a selection of reviews and articles relating to media art events at The Kitchen in the 1970s. Also featured is a lively interview conducted by Jud Yalkut with Woody and Steina Vasulka, Shridhar Bapat and Dimitri Devyatkin broadcast on WBAI. Please click on appropriate link to read an article or listen to the interview.

John J. O'Connor, "What Hath The Underground Wrought?" New York Times (June 4, 1972)

New York Times television critic John J. O'Connor discusses the Kitchen's 8-monitor installation of The Continuing Story of Carel and Ferd by San Francisco collective Video Free America.

John Rockwell, "Multimedia Concert at Kitchen Proves Less Than Success." New York Times (February 20, 1973)

The reviewer is unimpressed by the February 1973 concert at The Kitchen; he discusses Charlotte Moorman's performance, Yoshi Wada's musical performance, and Nam June Paik'sscreening of Japanese commercials

Victor Ancona, "Strange Brew: What's Cooking at the Kitchen?" Video Art (July 1977): pag. 42-44.
In this extensive article Victor Ancona traces the history of the Kitchen and its relationship to Howard Wise and Electronic Arts Intermix.

David L. Shirey, "Video Art Turns to Abstract Imagery." New York Times (July 4, 1972): 6.

David L. Shirey reviews the Video Festival, organized by the Vasulkas, which was held at The Kitchen in July 1972.

This radio program was produced by Jud Yalkut and broadcast on WBAI-FM, New York, as part of a series of one-hour panel discussions on contemporary art, which were presented in the station's Artists and Critics series.